Rapeseed oil antioxidant TBHQ

Oil is one of the basic nutrients in human diet, and most foods contain abundant oil. It can be said that human health cannot do without oil, and the quality and safety of oil are closely related to human health. However, the active chemical properties of oils and fats are prone to deterioration due to oxidation and other factors. Oil antioxidants are a type of substance that can prevent or delay the deterioration of oils or fatty foods, extend their shelf life, and tert butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) is a high-quality edible oil antioxidant. The article comprehensively introduces the properties and synthesis of tert butyl hydroquinone, as well as its applications in various fields.

In 1992, China was approved for use in oil and fat containing foods, dried fish products, biscuits, instant noodles, canned oil containing foods, pickled meat products, etc. In the United States and China, the maximum allowable dosage of TBHQ in food is 200ppm

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Product Details

Product Parameters

Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), also known as tert-butylhydroquinone, white crystalline powder with a point of 126.5-128.5 ℃ point of 300 ℃ CAS No.: 1948-33-0, easily soluble in alcohols and waking up to the majority of fats and oils, especially vegetable oils antioxidant function of the most effective. Tertiary butylhydroquinone (t butylhydroquinone), referred to as TBHQ molecular formula for CH1402, molecular weight of 166.22.

Rapeseed oil antioxidant TBHQ

Product Features

Rapeseed oil antioxidant TBHQ has ideal antioxidant effect, which is 5~7 times stronger than BHA, BHT and PG. It is suitable for animal and vegetable fats and fat-rich foods, especially in vegetable oils, and is the preferred antioxidant for salad oil, blending oil and high cooking oil. It can effectively delay the oxidation of fats and oils, improve the stability of foods, and significantly extend the shelf life of fats and fat-rich foods. High temperature resistant, can be used in instant noodles, pastries and other fried foods, the highest withstand temperature can reach 230 "C or more.


Contact details

Company Name: Shandong Best Each Food Technology Co.,ltd

Add: Modern Salt Chemical Industrial Park, Bianyuan Town, Feicheng City, Tai'an City, Shandong Province

Tel: +8617753887766

Fax: 0538-6386017

Mail: bsy@sdbaishiyi.com

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