Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) of Antioxidants

2023/07/04 16:03

TBHQ is a new synthetic antioxidant with good antioxidant effect, especially for vegetable oil antioxidant, has a very good anti-corrosion effect, is internationally recognized as one of the best food antioxidants.

Benefits of using TBHQ in food:

Good antioxidant effect, added to food can prevent food spoilage and odor, and well prolong the shelf life of food; in addition, it has anti-mold and anti-bacterial effects that other antioxidants do not have, and can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and other microorganisms such as Aspergillus flavus.

The use of TBHQ regulations:

According to the food additive use health standard GB2760 (04.007) of the People's Republic of China, TBHQ can be used in edible fats, fried foods, dried fish products, cookies, instant noodles, instant cooked rice, canned dried fruits, cured meat products, roasted nuts (added in February 2007) and so on. The maximum use amount is 200mg/kg. the general recommended use amount is 0.01~0.02% of the total amount of fats and oils.

In fact, the most fearful situation is that no conscience operators in order to ultra-long-term keep food does not deteriorate, often over the standard, no standard (in the national ban on food) abuse; chemical additives manufacturers in good conscience to promote the non-toxic. This makes us ordinary consumers can not prevent, the only thing you can do is to buy more regular channels of the brand company's food and cooking oil, buy more look at the ingredients list on the food label, try to buy qualified food.

Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) of Antioxidants

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